Datehazard’s Blog

On dating, singleness and adjusting to being 30ish.

The Dating Tutor February 21, 2009

Sometimes, when you don’t know what you’re doing, you need to talk to someone who’s been there, done that.

Like one of these fictional ladies.

Been There, Done That

And that’s exactly what I did last night. I ended up having a 3.5 hour conversation with my friend The Toronto Journalist. We haven’t spoken in months, and I figured it was time to give him a call. Especially since he’s from New York and lived here for most of his life.

The hours flew by and I dished to him about my most recent adventures, and my current fixation with The Charmer. He, in turn, told me about his current dating woes and the problems he’s having with his long-term girlfriend, The Box. The Box works in the medical field, and she Does Not Like Many Things. She’s also apparently super-private.

When The Toronto Journalist told me he’d never even met The Box’s friends, in the 1.5 years that they’ve been together, I was shocked. The Box liked to tell my friend, by way of explanation, “I’m sorry, but I’m just a private person.” Uh… Ok?

She also does not like taking photographs, and until The Journalist maneuvered her into a compromising situation (friendly to normal photography), with her brother and her family members’ help, he did not have a single photo of her. When he’d try to explain to her that it was important to him to be able to see her face while at work, or just to have a memento of her while she wasn’t around, she would reply, “Well, you can always just see me in person.”

Trouble in paradise. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

Meanwhile, he gave me the same advice I’d been giving myself: when it comes to The Charmer, the only way for me to be in this situation is to step back and see what he does next. If he’s really interested, he’ll let me know.

And he gave me an earful of information about men in New York City — the way most of them do indeed play the Seduction Game and string women along, and that most New York women understand this and also have their own game of manipulation. He did say, though, that when these men recognize or realise that they’re dealing with women who aren’t from the city, they usually drop their game and try to be real.

I wonder if it’s really that easy. I mean, if you always play a game, it becomes second nature. You don’t even know you’re still doing it.

Meanwhile I really do have to tell Corporate Lawyer that I am no longer dating just him. I know he’s dating around, and assumes I am too, but that doesn’t mean I have no responsibility to him.

And Non-Profit Guy and I are going to a play today. Purely as friends. In that “WTF??” way. I will keep you posted.


6 Responses to “The Dating Tutor”

  1. swissknifev Says:

    You’ll never find date-love- etc. in life. Never. Keep playing.

  2. swissknifev Says:

    Spoken as a realist. fairy tales I love. St. Valentine I love. Happy endings I love. But U know, I know that life is a game.

    Rock song:

    You play your part, I play my game

    But baby you give love a bad name.

    Girls = Money + glamour + pleasure meanwhile we’ve got to play up.

    I’m a pessimistic optimist = strong. No touching.

  3. swissknifev Says:

    SORRY MA’AM. Nothing personal. It’s just a general thought that sometimes comes out of hurt. But life is never the same from person to person. It’s OK. God Bless You.

    Remember: Nothing personal because I DON”T KNOW YOU> It’s just a general thought.

  4. swissknifev Says:

    Thanks so much. I don’t know you. You have NOT HURT ME. I DON”T WISH YOU BAD>

    Let me tell you a story. A month ago two teenage lovers were passeing by my lane. The guy had his arms around the girl. And she was telling him something – her problems – and the way he was listening showed that he cared. I watched the couple with envy. There were tears in my eyes. I said, ” God Bless them. As long as love is true anything is forgotten.”

    I truly wiahed them the best because that is where I want to be. I t never happened in my life. So the outburst. Forgive me. i wish you all the best. I don’t know you but you are a human too. Just forgive me. I don’t want anyone’s hurt. Thanks.

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